Save up to $1,000.00 per tote on freight savings, container costs, and selling water

Food Grade Concentrate Emulsions [Kosher]

40% Silicone Concentrate

40% White Mineral Oil

40% Vegetable Oil

  • Each concentrate is available in all concentrations as a finished product enabling the private label entrepreneur to get business started with factory direct finished product, and then switch to concentrate for maximum profits.

Example: SIC D- FOAM 72 with $0.20 lb. Freight

Direct Factory Packaged $094 lb. Delivered

From Concentrate $0.46 lb. Delivered

Savings on a 2250 lb, 275 gallon IBC Tote = $1080

[See Cost Table for comparing packaged cost with concentrate savings]

NOTE ! - SIC has “THE ULTIMATE TOTE MIXER” Specifically designed for concentrate conversion that enables the entrepreneur to make finished product in the tote, maintaining FDA status, to be shipped with no waste, no clean up required. SEE DETAILS CLICK HERE